Annual General Meeting
18th March 2025
held at the Ex Services Club, Bicester
Apologies: Tony Nichols, Dave Morris, Aimee Sheehan
Welcome - Phil Allen (Secretary) welcomed everyone to the meeting. How encouraging it was to see so many there – close on 40, probably a record!. He explained that, in the case of any voting throughout the meeting, it would be just one vote per team.
Minutes of the last meeting – Those in attendance were happy with the minutes of the 2023 meeting.
Finance – Phil Allen produced a copy of, and discussed, the accounts which had already been distributed. It was explained that the registration fees (£1480) and the competition entrance fees (£372) were, quite obviously, insufficient to cover the expenditure (£3657.50). And this is why he, as treasurer, was so grateful to a number of sponsors who donated another £2036. The registration fees for season 2025 have been increased to £50 per team. It was felt that, to increase it to any more than that may result in us actually losing teams. All members present were happy with the paperwork produced.
Election of officers – the secretary explained that the chairman, George Deans, would be happy to stand again but explained that, as he (the secretary) will be standing down at the end of the forthcoming summer season, we are now looking for volunteers to fill the following positions:
Fixtures Secretary
Competitions Secretary
Results Secretary
Nomination Proposer Seconder
Chairman George Deans Billy Atwell Steve Webb ) Proposed, seconded
Secretary Phil Allen Billy Atwell Steve Webb ) and voted for en bloc
Treasurer Phil Allen Billy Atwell Steve Webb )
Constitution of the League
We will continue as last year, ie:
nine players may be used in the match
five legs
six players per leg
players can be changed in each leg if desired
one point for a win
In the event of a drawn leg, three stickers, one sticker and back to a three sticker (if necessary).
Divisions cannot be formulated until completed registration forms are received by the secretary.
The only teams known to be dropping out are Launton S&S B, Lower Heyford S&SC and the White Hart.
The Red Lion, Brackley will be moving to the Highfield SC and the Crown Twyford B going to Buckingham Athletic FC.
Teams known to be keen to join us are Kings Head Syresham, Plough Bicester and the Swan Grendon Underwood.
It was reiterated by the secretary that it wasn’t possible to say at the meeting which team would be in which division. This cannot be done, of course, until the completed registration forms have been returned. And, to amplify this, the secretary will continue to check the registration forms to see if any “higher class” player has dropped into a lower team thereby increasing that team’s potential average. Should that be the case, then consideration will be given as to whether that benefiting team should be in a higher division – and, maybe, if the losing team should drop down.
Fixtures/Cup Competitions
The 2025 season will commence on Wednesday 23rd April.
As in recent years, there will be no free weeks in the fixtures – unless, of course, it’s a cup week and teams have already been knocked out. The “divisional” singles and pairs competitions have proven to be a great success and every effort will be given to playing down to the final at each venue, thus eliminating any need for a semi finals night.
Any other business
The secretary thanked Clear Vision Financial Services for sponsoring the league last season and announced that they will continue to do so this summer. He then thanked all of our sponsors for their support last season and explained we couldn’t have managed without their help.
Result reporting this coming season will continue to be via WhatsApp.
Karl Budd proposed that the secretary takes his wife out for a meal, paid for out of league funds.
If an away team cannot fulfil a fixture because of a lack of players, or intend not turning up because of
inclement weather, then they are asked to notify the opposition by midday. If the home team/hosting pub or
club have that feeling, or suspect that the visiting team will not turn up, then, to save unnecessary
expenditure, they do not have to prepare food. If cancellation is due to the weather, both teams must
understand that food is unlikely to be prepared.
In response to a request to starting earlier at 8 o’clock, some teams wouldn’t be able to do that and would
have to withdraw. It was left that, the start time remains as 8.30 but team captains can agree to start earlier
if desired.
Amy Newbold emphasised that the policy at the Bell Bicester is that no under 18s are allowed on the
premises. And also that, as they have no kitchen, if any team wishes to postpone a fixture please notify
early (as explained above).
Annual General Meeting
26th September 2023
held at The Ex Services Club, Bicester
Finance – separate accounts for Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Election of officers
Other committee members
Constitution of the leagues
Teams staying in/dropping out Tuesday league – Bell B dropping out and Rose & Crown (RiffRaff) joining us
Teams staying in/dropping out Wednesday league
Fixtures/cup competitions
Start on Tuesday/Wednesday 17/18th October
Any other business.
A note for the 2023 meeting – Top doll scorer will not finish at Christmas (as in previous last two seasons) but will continue to end of season.
Annual General Meeting
21st March 2023
held at Launton Sports and Social
Apologies: Doug Revitt.
Welcome - Phil Allen (Secretary) welcomed everyone to the meeting. How encouraging it was to see so many there. He explained that, in the case of any voting throughout the meeting, it would be just one vote per team.
Minutes of the last meeting – Those in attendance were happy with the minutes of the 2022 meeting.
Finance – Phil Allen produced a copy of, and discussed, the accounts which had already been distributed. All members present were happy with them.
The registration fee for the forthcoming season has been raised to £40.00 per team.
Election of officers
Nomination Proposer Seconder
Chairman/MC George Deans Billy Atwell Pete Dempsey ) Proposed, seconded
Secretary Phil Allen Billy Atwell Pete Dempsey ) and voted for en bloc
Treasurer Phil Allen Billy Atwell Pete Dempsey )
Constitution of the League
In reply to the emails sent out by the secretary prior to the AGM, the outcome is that we will continue as last year, ie:
nine players may be used in the match
five legs
six players per leg
players can be changed in each leg if desired
in the event of a drawn leg, three stickers and then one sticker (if necessary), staying on one stick
one point for a win
Divisions cannot be formulated until completed registration forms are received by the secretary.
Teams known to be dropping out are The Lion Wendlebury, Brill S&SC B and the Blacks Head Bletchingdon.
Teams known to be changing venue and playing elsewhere are:
the old Black Bull A/Launton Arms A/ Ex Services B of last season will be going to the Bull Inn (Launton) and known as Bull Inn A.
the previous Bull Inn A will be playing at Launton S&S and referred to as their B team.
The old Barley Mow team will be relocating to Lower Heyford Sports and Social Club. Please note that it will be CASH ONLY at that venue.
In the hope of finding new teams, the secretary has written to a number of “new” pubs to see if they want to
join us.
It was reiterated by the secretary that it wasn’t possible to say at the meeting which team would be in which division. This cannot be done, of course, until the completed registration forms have been returned. And, to amplify this, the secretary will continue to check the registration forms to see if any “higher class” player has dropped into a lower team thereby increasing that team’s potential average. Should that be the case, then consideration will be given as to whether that benefiting team should be in a higher division – and, maybe, if the losing team should drop down.
Fixtures/Cup Competitions
The 2022 season will commence on Wednesday 26th April.
As in recent years, there will be no free weeks in the fixtures – unless, of course, it’s a cup week and teams have already been knocked out. The “divisional” singles and pairs competitions have proven to be a great success and every effort will be given to playing down to the final at each venue, thus eliminating any need for a semi finals night.
The secretary did apologise for the late finish on finals night and accepted the blame entirely (all down to the fact that team knockout finals were played as best of five legs and should really have been best of three).
Any other business
The secretary thanked all of our sponsors for their support last season and explained we couldn’t have managed without their help.
Result reporting this coming season will continue to be via WhatsApp.
In response to a request to starting earlier at 8 o’clock, the secretary had already approached teams by
email with the outcome being that many wouldn’t be able to do that and would have to withdraw. It was left
that, the start time remains as 8.30 but team captains can agree to start earlier if desired.
Karl Budd proposed, seconded by Danny Dyer, that the secretary takes his wife out for a meal, paid for out
of league funds.
Annual General Meeting
27th September 2022
held at The Ex Services Club, Bicester
Welcome - Phil Allen (Secretary) welcomed everyone to the meeting. The following were in attendance:
Billy Atwell, Steve Golder, Dave Wheeler, Keith Lennard, Karl Budd, Ray Rowe, Roger Herbert, Olly Carvell, Aimee Sheehan, Dave Vear, Rick Gumbert, Darren Moore, John Clutterbuck, Dave Smith, Nick Cherry, Colin Baldwin, Kevin Powney, John Smith, Terry Smith, Terry Hawkins, Phil Allen.
Apologies – Dan Jobling.
Finance - The secretary/treasurer produced a copy of both the Tuesday and Wednesday accounts and the bank statement. All were happy and accepted the paperwork as a true record.
The weekly match fee will remain at £1.00 per player per game and the fundraising will continue in its normal format (ie the Take Your Pick sheet and playing cards).
Election of officers - Phil Allen will continue as both secretary and treasurer.
Constitution of the League – The Bell will continue with their two teams in the Tuesday league but will not be allowed to swap them around as previously. So, it does mean that both Tuesday and Wednesday leagues will be the same teams as last year.
In the Tuesday evening league, the previous Barley Mow team will become Lower Heyford Sports and Social Club and the Bull Inn B will be Launton Sports and Social. Bull Inn A will just be Bull Inn.
Fixtures/Cup Competitions - The 2022 league fixtures will commence on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th October, with practice on Wednesday 5th October for players from both leagues (normal start time – 7,45pm).
The intention is to play league fixtures, as we did last year, up until Christmas and then
competitions/handicap leagues thereafter. However, because of the football world cup starting on
Sunday 20th November, there will be no aunt sally on Tuesday 29th November (the night of the
Wales v England fixture) nor on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th December (football semi finals
nights). The fixtures missed out on 29th November will be rescheduled for 20th December.
Any other business –
The match start times for both evenings will be as follows:
7.45 8.20 8.55 9.30
In the Handicap League, the maximum handicap will be 4.
Albeit summer league business, Karl Budd proposed that the secretary takes his wife out for a
‘decent meal’. All were in agreement.
Annual General Meeting
28th September 2021
held at The Ex Services Club, Bicester
Welcome - Phil Allen (Secretary) welcomed everyone to the meeting. The following were in attendance:
Billy Atwell, Dan Jobling, Steve Golder, Dave Wheeler, Keith Lennard, Pete Dempsey, Karl Budd, Ray Rowe, Delores Jones, Eddie Jones, Roger Herbert, Olly Carvell, Aimee Sheehan, Phil Allen.
The Code of Practice which we introduced at the 2020 AGM was discussed, but the overall feeling at the meeting was that we no longer need to adhere to that and we can revert to how we used to play prior to Covid-19.
Apologies –
Finance - The secretary/treasurer produced a copy of both the Tuesday and Wednesday accounts and the bank statement. All were happy and accepted the paperwork as a true record.
The weekly match fee will remain at £1.00 per player per game and the fundraising will revert to its normal format (ie the Take Your Pick sheet and playing cards).
Election of officers - Phil Allen will continue as both secretary and treasurer.
Constitution of the League – The Butchers Arms and the Bull Inn C have withdrawn from the Tuesday league and the White Horse from the Wednesday league. The Bell will enter a team in the Tuesday league (giving us 7). Aimee Sheehan believes she can persuade a few extra players to join us on both nights.
Fixtures/Cup Competitions - The 2021 league fixtures will commence on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th October.
The intention is to play league fixtures up until Christmas and then competitions/handicap leagues
Any other business –
The match start times for both evenings will be as follows:
7.45 8.20 8.55 9.30
On the first evenings of each league (Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th), every effort will be made to find five players to make up the ‘eighth’ team. Initially, if there is a shortage, players from the any of those teams in attendance will be used – and they will be allowed after that to go back to their original teams.